Day two of project! I’d be lying if I said that the first thing I did was go straight to a dumpster and start to look for the best prices (I guess that would mean free?). Instead of trolling the trash with my new (miniature budget) I had decided that I needed a general idea of what I wanted. But before I could come up with a general idea I needed to snap some before and after pictures and assess the true damage that I was up against. So here we go.....
If your first reaction was a jaw dropping then I must agree (or semi agree). My mother, had she been looking at these pictures right now might have actually said something along the lines of “I think you might need to hire a cleaner”. Which I would interject “but mother, the starbucks cup and the q-tips add a certain ambiance wouldn’t you say?”
I think we can see without a doubt that the organization is well, in the lacking. The dark colours don’t add a smooth calm feeling, and the room doesn’t have a theme that is echoed through the style. All in all, we have a lot of work together my friends. The goal that I have is to section off the room, giving the space more than one type of purpose. I’d like the room to function as a bedroom, an office and a living room type.