We’ve come a long way baby! It’s hard to believe that it’s only been a few short weeks since we took this picture here:
I know what you’re thinking. Way to show progress! We are very excited that things are finally shapeing up and starting to show really what the space had been drawn as several months before. Although I have to be fare when we were putting this little balcony together I did have some pretty crazy moments... the ones where you look at the space and say... oupps... not to worry! They ironed themselves out and everything feel together.... So lets see where we are and where exactly we started
2 months ago:
Then add some pots 1.5 months ago
Vacationing... nothing gets done.
Brings us to 1 week ago
Finally.... Here:
No we are in the process of doing something rather unique... the bad part... so far I don’t like it (and I’ll be honest I’m pretty sure Karen doesn’t either) but I’m a firm believer in order to really know if something doesn’t belong you have to finish the space and then decide, so that’s exactly what I plan on doing. -> what is it? Well I’ll show you all in a few days here once it starts to dry out!