Sunday, May 12, 2013

Flowers for Fixing?

It's hard to believe its been a little over 2 years since I've moved here. -- It's felt like home for as long as I can remember, looking at the before and afters of the bedroom almost make me wonder how it was so different to now.

Because we do host many mini party's and wonderful get together at our place, our chairs have went through some wear and tear.

They aren't "Holy cow" scuffs and marks on the chairs, but enough to have made me want to really just give them a quick touch up to show them we care (even while I'm sick I keep myself busy!).

So first I sanded them a bit:

That way the paint has something to stick too, and it will make sure that the surface is completely ready for a little bit more darkness.

 Eh Voila! Good as new, it's actually nice to have this back to normal for now. that way it'll have time to set a bit before I come back and use them. So the goal is to not use them until I come back for my trip! Hard to believe it's only 5 Sleeps away, and I'll be flying off to Germany!

A closing thought: How lucky am I to have such a nice guy in my life? I've been sick for a few days now, which hopefully goes away right away here. And he was so thoughtful that he got me flowers.

Guy on the move gets updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. -- Why? It's because we are in absolute love with these days! We are perhaps having a dance party every time we load a post.... true story.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Wall of Pictures

Before you read this blog, I just wanted to apologize for missing Wednesday's post. Here at guy on the move we have caught a bit of a bug so sickness has prevented us from writing a post that day. XO -Mike + Karen

Friday is here! This weekend is a pretty big weekend for me, it marks the one week mark of going to... wait for it... EUROPE! -- So naturally we will be having a party to celebrate the occasion, call me a bit old fashion but I love a good part to celebrate an event.

This week we've been mostly hunting for things to add to the pictures on our photo wall. The first one it was love at first sight. Now one thing about me, is I love Christmas.... I have very fond memories of  this time so I always like to slip something slightly Christmas into a few things in the house.

The cool thing, this post card is from 1910 -- we found it at a local thrift shop for about 20 bucks... but I thought it was wonderful to have something a little vintage on our wall.

The I love bacon art is something Karen had gotten as a gift for her birthday. We love this! Not only does Karen love bacon (I mean loveeeee..) But it adds a very cool subway style to this beautiful wall.

Of course the upside down kitties are still holding there place at the center... still nothing that we can find that we want to keep there yet.

I'm sure in no time we will replace the upside down kitties, and get that fabric in! Lets hope and wait.

Guy on the move gets updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. -- Why? It's because we are in absolute love with these days! We are perhaps having a dance party every time we load a post.... true story.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Holy llama jama! It's almost Tuesday! -- It's been one of those go go go go ... go weekends, where you wonder to yourself "Can I have another one please?". We've been hard at work here, measuring for our new dividers, prepping and reading our lease (we thought we should double check that it's not a fire hazard of any kind). But on a plus side we scored some awesome picture frames (did I mention they were FREE!). Karen went down to the lobby and these little guys had a wonderful blue "Take me" sign on them... how could we say no to a post it?

So we hurried upstairs and put them up ASAP! The sad part is, I didn't take any before pictures -- which is surprising because usually I'm pretty much in love with the transition... but in this case -- and being that we have a bit of the Monday blues I'll share the afters :)

Great right? The only problem is... what do we put in them? So far we've got 1 idea... but the problem is making that idea happen. Working on it. Till then. We just get to stare at the satisfaction of knowing that we got these for free, and that they look well... aawwweessooommme.

Guy on the move gets updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. -- Why? It's because we are in absolute love with these days! We are perhaps having a dance party every time we load a post.... true story.

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Brilliant Suprise - Birthday!

Is it just me or does Friday just come so fast sometimes? Spring is in the air here, warm +18 weather... I mean the grass is brown the trees are brown.... but it's just waiting a bit of mother natures renewal.

This week something very special has happened, Karen has had a birthday (**insert crying** "I remember when she was just a little girl). Of course we aren't celebrating it really until much later in the week (tomorrow actually) but I remember years ago my father saying something very wise to me "Son" he said "Never forget a ladies birthday" the conversation did go on a bit father, but roughly it was far better and easier to just remember it. So that's what I did, I knew Karens birthday was coming up -- and have been on a bit of a tight budget saving up for our trip to Germany -- so I wanted to add a little TLC to this operation. I rushed to a few stores, made some hand made banner triangles by cutting them out of regular paper and add some fun letters.

I just used some colourful blue sharpies that were in my bag to create the awesome penmanship if I do say so myself on these little signs here (as you can see the paper flower in all its glory sitting beside!).

I know I've been spreading word about an upcoming surprise that's not too far off. And yes I am about to share it with you. (are you ready?)

About a month ago I had sketched out some ideas for a design to make our space have a second separate bedroom. Of course as most of you know we live in a large spacious one bedroom -- our reason for not moving? We like a challenge... and well, lets just say we've grown accustom to this space. So I had drawn up some fabulous plans to build a wall made of frames and fabric in the living room, that would add a special allure to the room and give that extra privacy that Karen deserves. -- Which lead to Karens fabulous ideas as well of creating a spacious nook that could be altered on a moments notice. The design that we'd be using would look like this:

I promise the outcome will be a little straighter, I didn't use a ruler. Bad llama. But the centers would be fabric, and the rails will be stained wood. Fabulous right?

The whole idea is that these will naturally support themselves with the roof and walls without screws or any damage to the space (we want our deposit back!) so without further delay we are going to start on this project ASAP! Karen and I were both surprised that it took us so long to finally do something out this, but now that we are finally getting out there and making that change we are both very much excited! One, Two, Three GO!

Guy on the move gets updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. -- Why? It's because we are in absolute love with these days! We are perhaps having a dance party every time we load a post.... true story.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

To Art or Not To Art...

So after our much loved blog post of ideas for the bathroom (Check it out here) I'm very happy that we have come up with several ideas for the bathroom to add that special something. So this weekend we came up with a bit of a to do list for the bathroom:

To Do:

- Complete Shelf (it's a surprise... shhhh)
- Get Plants
- Fill Shelf with towels
- New Art
- Better Bath Mat
- Change Hardware
- Another Hook for Another Bathrobe

So with that out in the open (that's kind of like my promise to you and to myself that I will finish this... I will... I think I can I think I can...) Naturally I went to IKEA, after getting frames from everywhere else I found out that it's a pretty penny cheaper just to go get frames from there or walmart -- painting second hand ones turned out to be oddly expensive.

The picture inside is a map we got when we had went to France last year, so we wanted to add that special something and keep our bathroom pretty fabulous.

I'm not crazy about the mat though, I'd like it white as white can be for this space, the matting will make it or break it I think, so off to find matting. But at least we can scratch off one thing (even if we are adding some more)

To Do:

- Complete Shelf (it's a surprise... shhhh)
- Get Plants
- Fill Shelf with towels
- New Art
- Better Bath Mat
- Change Hardware
- Another Hook for Another Bathrobe
- Find white matting

Guy on the move gets updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. -- Why? It's because we are in absolute love with these days! We are perhaps having a dance party every time we load a post.... true story.