Monday, October 10, 2011

Turkeys and Tables

They say that this is the best time to reflect, a time to remind ourselves of the great things in our lives. So what is it that you are truly thankful for this year? It’s a great time of year to remind the people that you love why you love them. That being said, I’m throwing a little gathering for some close friends for a home cooked meal... a true tradition.
Other things (more materialistic things) that I am happy for is this old table which we had located at a local garage sale. From an old pub in the 60’s it’s cool and soft curves are perfect. However, I wasn’t overly in love with the idea of a square table top (I tend to hurt myself on pointy edges) so off to Lowes we went searching for a round table top to complete this table:

(yes... thats right. More STARBUCKS)

Et Voila! We found one (which I wasn’t sure would fit the table at all... but turns out it’s slightly bigger than the square table top that was on it previously.

So now the fun of painting begins... one coat, three coat, ten! Hopefully it doesn’t take quiet that long as this has been an event in itself! Keep looking to see the completed look!
Happy thanksgiving!

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