Sunday, April 8, 2012


As I rummage through my memories of a year past, a Bosa Nova Portuguese artist melodically singing in the back round I’m reminded how grateful I am for this day. One year ago today I had left everything safe and comforting based on a yogic spiritual event with Sadie (find out about that amazing transformation here) that I knew if I would let it transform every part of who I was I would be blessed. I remember clearly the words that left her lips “let go” – transform your life, find balance.
Leaving behind everything familiar is never easy, friendships... family... love. If any testament has stood out to me since I’ve left home is that when we are willing to risk everything the most amazing things happen. I have found balance within myself, knowing that I am my own provider of eternal love, understanding and compassion has allowed me to create a strong basis for a new and healthy relationship with someone that challenges the way I see the world. After leaving everything behind I cannot believe that I had once doubted any part of who I was, of that in some fated way a healthy path to recovery after a long abusive relationship was waiting for me and all I had to do was take a leap of faith and say yes. If having faith in ourselves is the key ingredient to an amazing life, why do we allow ourselves to add any other seasoning to our recipe?
As I prepare to travel through Europe with my new guy I feel more invigorated than ever to pursue my journey in finding out what it takes to keep the balance all through our lives. The ancients believed that if we indulged ourselves with everything that tempted us until we felt satisfied we would be enlightened to the truth of life. There is no better place to start on a path of self discovery than within our temples, the body, mind and the spirit working as one to find a common wave of peace. It is then, and we are truly ready all good things come to us.

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