Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Old Fashion Birthday Party"

When I was growing up one of the fondest things that I remember about my youth is spending the summers in Ontario with my grandparents. The beautiful lakes, the wonderful cooking that my grandma would always prepare (something Ukrainian smothered in sour cream) and the camp side fires beside a small lake outside of Kenora called blue lake. A particular summer the weather hot, the sky blue and the lake cool. During the afternoon I remember coming up from the lake to the camp site parched. When I arrived at my grandparent’s camper I was greeted by the familiar smile that my grandmother always had on her face, pleasant and welcoming. She had a tray of glasses filled with ice tea, the funny thing is at this moment where I grabbed the glass of the tray and began to sip on my cool tea (yes I said thank you) I remember the glasses, covered in blue stripes with sail boats and a large sunset. The funny thing is I’ve been trolling the web trying to find the exact glasses to show you all the inspiration to my birthday party this year. I loved the colourful bright cheeriness of the summery vessels (not to under appreciate my amazing BLACK AND GOLD themed party last year). So here’s what a love for old school cups and a fresh wonderful memory can offer a “Good Old Fashion Birthday Party”.

I actually did have a few hiccups on the way of design awesomeness. These fans actually were originally meant to hang from the ceiling.... which became a really big problem when I found out that living in a concrete building with a concrete roof might hinder sticking pins up on the ceiling to hold them up. So there came an idea: I used sticks and taped them to the sticks to create sunny flowers/sunset bursts (not bad right?)

Since I believe even like with decor in a home you need to have a focal point you need to have a accent wall which came out perfect in the form of a streamer wall. Call me old fashion (haha get it?) but I think there isn’t anything as beautiful as a good streamer wall.

Something that I’ve always been told by my roomie (the lovely and talented Karen) is that I tend to go crazy and hate the idea of everything I pick out then have an intense calm and love it after it completed – It’s what she calls “my creative process” Lets take a full look at the room

And some more lovely pictures of the hallway right as you enter the house and go to the main room.
At this point you might be asking yourself “Where are the people?” Yes I am one of those people that decorate a day early. If there is anything that I’ve learn it’s that the best way to have a wonderful birthday is to prepare everything in advance that way you yourself can enjoy the whole night with your friends playing games and relaxing (A tip that my wonderful mother had taught me – the ultimate party planer)

So here I am for the rest of the night, in a party ready room asking myself – Why can’t my birthday be right now? After all I’m ready. I guess the moral here is that I’m 100% prepared to wow my guests tomorrow with a buffet of amazing food and a fun packed evening with a low budget of 40$ Stay tuned! Party stories and meal menu to follow!

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