Monday, September 26, 2011

Night Stands (Part 1)

This morning when I woke up I had decided that it was time to tackle another project! The night stands (although beautiful in their own colour) were outdated and needed a little bit of... lets say... inspiration. After a few steady days of research, I had come up with a list of the things that would be needed to make these vintage finds shine! If you plan on doing something similar you’ll need the following handy tools:
Oil based primer
Latex paint
Paint brush
400 grit sand paper
Paint floor cover (just in case you’re as messy as I am)
So off I went with my boyfriend, searching for these important tools! Home Depot, is the place I went (at least it always seems to have everything I need under one roof this far) I gathered my supplies and came right home to start off this new exciting challenge.
Step One: Sand it down baby!

One of the most important steps, you want to take extra care to do a good job so that the paint adheres to the surface! That way a few months from now after it’s painted you don’t notice it all falling apart before your eyes.
Step Two: Prime, Prime, Prime

As not fun as this sounds, it was actually pretty relaxing! Although, I made the mistake of using a roller to paint the primer... or well any part for that matter which to my disappointment left little fuzzies all over the table (talk about an angry face when I found out) so I recommend instead to use a paint brush with the simple rule my mother always taught me “less is more”. Now to let these babies dry! 24 hours and counting!

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