Monday, April 8, 2013

Painting Shelves - Holy Paint Fumes Batman!

There is nothing quite like a Monday paint job to start off the week right. So you want to paint your selves and you're kind of wondering "What is the best way to paint these shelves?". Over the next week I'm going to give you some awesome tips on how to make this dream come true.

Step One: Wash those bad boys, Soap and water is great! Make sure you get every nook and cranny because your paint job will remember this!

Step Two: Sand it down! - I am personally a fan of putting on some old school pop to get this done, whatever your groove, sanding down those shelves is an important part of (Say it in a deep voice!) Operation... New Shelf!

Ok! So you've washed them (Good job!) You've rocked out to some old school music and sanded them (excellent dance moves I might add.) Now the next step.... Oil Based Primer (I'll say it again) Oil Based Primer, it's great at coverage, it won't bleed through and it's durable. You can paint latex overtop of this so it's a sure set deal!
Step Three: You got it! Step three is priming that awesome possum of a shelf you have! One tip that I have is make sure you tint the primer with the colour your painting, it will make sure you use a lot less paint in the long run (ie: you want to paint it black, get a grey primer).
So now well let them dry, sit back... relax and try not to get too high off the paint fumes. Every time that I smell this I always think to myself... Wow, I can't believe people would paint their entire house with this - I get high off of repainting furniture.
Guy on the move gets updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. -- Why? It's because we are in absolute love with these days! We are perhaps having a dance party every time we load a post.... true story.

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